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map my life

about me

&; ah mao
&; 29.o4.1987
&; nanhua girl + sa + nanyang business school graduate
&; mao 5 club

-typical taurean-
&; loyal
&; practical
&; determined
&; resourceful
&; stubborn
&; short-tempered

&; jay chou
&; S.H.E. >> Hebe
&; R&B
&; chinese songs
&; watching tv
&; ball games
&; singing
&; gossiping
&; sleeping

&; betrayers
&; liars
&; backstabbers
&; bullies


To be richer
Good grades
See jay chou
Go to jay's every concert
Happier life
Adapt to university life




♥ Monday, April 25, 2011 8:31 PM

I Smell Freedom

it's 30th Dec 2010
♥ Thursday, December 30, 2010 1:02 PM

If asked how was 2010, my answer would be "It was great at times but damn.. felt i was at the worst of my life too"

What was great?
  1. Well, close-knitted family, definitely not by chance. I guess 2010 was one of the only years where there were less arguments and where my parents sorta got along considerably well?
  2. Contract teaching gt on fine, colleagues were very helpful when i faced alot of problems with my beloved class monster.
  3. Met great friends at NIE. Fun loving and all.. even managed to locate my long lost kindergarten friend through one of my NIE friend..
  4. Sis is preggy with a girl! Gonna be auntie liao~

What sucks totally?

  1. Schooling sucks.. Assignments sucks!
  2. Sis is in U.S. and i want her back (so i would have someone to depend on
  3. Dad's health is no good. In fact, i am very worried. (This should be the worst thing in 2010)
  4. The feeling of being alone. sucks totally

Will 2011 be a good year? I would wish for nothing but my family to be healthy n happy.

my kiddos hope it was still JUNE.. (just like me..)
♥ Thursday, July 15, 2010 10:11 PM

Muahaha.. just felt like taking these pics of the worksheets i was marking awhile ago.. many of them wrote the month wrongly (be it in numerically or alphabetically)

This one above is nameless.. and he got the month of the date wrong!

Another one... July becomes JUNE~~~
Looks like they yearn to be back in June holidays.. just like miss wong.. =(

anyways.. my jawline acne is bad... and my skin seem allergic to the medicine.. some small red spots are developing rapidly on my already veri cui skin.. Zzz.. gonna consult the doctor AGAIN tml.. pockets burnt~!

♥ Friday, July 2, 2010 11:16 PM

This week was a horribly tiring week... largely due to the fact that it's the first week of sch...
2H has been considerably well behaved for this week. hope it stays this way.. Ive also adopted one of the love language on the whole class.. GIFTS.. in terms of food la.. i bought jellies and chocs for them. Hope they feel loved by Miss Wong.

I also had my very first in the lifetime experience just about 2 hours ago..My fren banged (lightly) into another person's car... Ouch for him... but might be a blessing in disguise to buang and end up still uninjured + the other party is also very well mannered.. din make a big fuss out of it. Haiz.. lesson learnt too..

Grouchy Mood
♥ Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:05 AM

My current Mood: Grouchy!
Reason: SCHOOL is starting on MONDAY! ahhhhhhhhhhhh....
Current Wish: Time capsule please bring me back to 5th June when my holidays just started. BOOOO... but tts like how impossible. 9 more weeks.. ENDURE!

Anyways.. one thing to look forward to is 4th July. Not tt it's America's Birthday.. but it's Youth Day! Which means, 5th July is a school holiday compensated to us! HOW GREAT IS TT LAH! i am soooooo wanting to go into NIE now! Eager to return to student life. k but tt aside.. sorry bestie... 4th July is still a special day coz it's ur bdae. i din forget tt.. heh heh.. ur bdae n youth day simply rock!

Anyways, below is a pic taken recently with 3 nice frens! Till now, i am still kinda amused by how we r connnected. (anyways, left to right: Eugene, Me, Danny & Pak)

Story goes like this.. Pak (my 2nd sis' kindergarten fren and pri sch classmate) was from Rulang as well. So that makes him my senior. Danny, my JJC 1st 3 months OG mate, joined ODAC in JJC and became junior of Pak who was in JJC ODAC as well. I knew Eugene through a fren but later discovered he knows Danny too and they r good pals in NTU MSE.

Cool right? so with such 微妙 kind of connection, it is definitely necessary to call for a small gathering. So we managed to finally meet for a KBOX session after one year of planning (thanks to Eugene).

These little things light up my life. Hope to have more of such gatherings!

kkk.. zooom back into my grouchy mood. BAH!

TVB drama madness!
♥ Friday, June 18, 2010 1:29 PM

I commited the bulk of my June Holiday on dramas! Currently addicted to the two below.. which are still being aired in hongkong currently.. heh heh.. i am sooooo up-to-date hor?

This one above is called 蒲松龄 from the 聊斋 series.. As u noe, sure gotta do with some ghosts de la..it's nice and it's largely due to the excellent acting of Steven Ma! He is darn funny inside.

and this is 谈情说案. Quite nice too.. There is my fav 林峰.. though he somehow became less handsome liao.. and 杨怡!!! i super love her. I tot her acting improved wor.. her crying scenes are still the best! and Kenneth Ma is not too bad too.. quite a convincing CID leader. COOL drama.. aired till ep 18 currently.. gonna end liao..

With hols ending soon, less time for me to watch drama le.. Heading back to sch.. booo.. stressful life agains. =(

Looking forward to lunch date with weijian, val and ben tml.. hope it doesnt rain so we can go kite flying at Marina Barrage. =)

Satellite Pro L510
♥ Sunday, June 13, 2010 11:38 AM

Here is my Toshiba Satellite Pro L510.

Bought it at the PC show yesterday... I would say it's not a bad buy la.. since i am stuck with no lappie since sept or oct last year. Finally got my own lappie liao... (but i am greedy.. why din toshiba manufacture it in RED COLOUR? It will be more feminine looking if it were it red)

So it was mass downloading of programs and transferring of photos and music into my new love yesterday. Gonnnnnnaaa start watching my drama soon (flashplayer was one of the first stuff i downloaded). heh heh..

But i am so broke this month. =(

Love is the foundation
♥ Wednesday, June 9, 2010 11:47 PM

I finally bought The Five Love Languages of your family by Gary Chapman (yes Wong Min Shan actually bought a book to READ. Go buy 4D or Toto cause reading is definitely not my pastime.) It includes the part on Five Love Languages of Children as well which i thought is quite applicable to my job.

There is this part which really caught my attention.

You may find it helpful to frequently remind yourself of some rather obvious things about your children...1. 2. 3. 4. 5...... 6. If I love them only when they meet my requirements or expectations, they will feel incompetent and will believe it is pointless to do their best, since it is never enough. They will always be plagued by insecurity, anxiety, low self-esteem, and anger.

oh well, i am guilty about this point. My expectations of my form class is very high (academically and behaviorally) and these expectations are always changing, adjusting once they attained my set target. I think i forgot that they are children, they act like children and much childish behaviour is unpleasant (which are points 1 2 and 3 --> the obvious things about children that i may need to frequently remind myself about)

I am reminded about my problem kid in class. He don't care about being rewarded by gifts or being praised when i set out to only do these when he meets my expectations on days. So clearly, he doesn't really crave for gifts or words of affirmation. I shall give myself the next 2 months after sch reopens to discover the love language he speaks most loudly so i can top up his love tank and he will (hopefully) stop his nonsense to attract attention.

I am motivated by the stuff taught in the book. Thanks to my 大姐 for recommending it to me.

i wanna shop!
♥ Sunday, June 6, 2010 9:35 AM

It's GSS now but I'm still stuck home most of the time. Did i use up too much of my energy during the semester that i am feeling super tired. I can slp at 9 or 10pm now and wake up 8 or 9am the next morning. That's freaking 11 to 12 hours of slp. It's twice the amount i slp a day during my uni days. Fatigue is part of my soul now and still.. Shall use my 2nd week to recuperate further.

So i should plan to go out and shop during the 3rd week! Hopefully i can make use of the nice bonuses + GST offset package to reward myself =) Frens, please jio me out if u wanna shop!

Anyways, my mum bought this (as shown above). It can make fresh soya bean milk in just 20 mins (okies and also alot of other drinks like barley, etc la). Cool right? i've been enjoying nice hot and thick soya bean milk for the past 2 days. =) part of my breakfast is taken care of!

I've a story to share..
♥ 12:27 AM

On this nice evening, a group of sec sch friends (all males + 2 females) gathered for a meal. After the meal, this whole clique of 23 yr olds went for some drinks and desserts. There and then, A started to gossip about Z from the clique who did not turn up tt day.

And so, A shared bout something quite shocking. B added on. C started doubt alot of things mentioned but continued to listen. Mind you, the stuff are shocking (in C's eyes at least).

So C went home with a heavy mind. Though not close to Z , she could not really digest what she heard earlier. So she chatted with D from the clique as well about this and D suggested C to ask Z directly about the gossip.

So C had this in mind for many days and incidentally, Z initiated a chat on msn with C. So she took the chance. Indirectly, she probed Z with a lot of questions leading him to tell her some stuff (which did not quite tally with what C heard from the rest) but of coz, Z is not stupid, as anticipated by C, Z asked if the rest gossiped bout him and said untrue things about him when he wasn't around. Let me emphasise, the guy did force C to say the details of the gossip but she did not utter a single thing about it.

So this thingy blew up with Z telling C tt he is gonna confront the rest about this issue. C panicked a bit coz she indirectly caused Z to fall out with the rest of the clique. But wells, if u think of it, when ur so called frens gossiped something untrue bout you, of coz you would confront them right?

So after the incident, C talked to some of the guys from the clique she is closer to. One of them joked about her not being invited to gatherings coz of her past record of spreading the gossip. As mentioned earlier, C did not brief a single detail about what was gossiped. Her approach to tok Z is by probing about his life, etc. Is this considered as betrayal? Does she deserved to be judged by the rest of the clique based on this?

Well well, you got it right. I am C. Not difficult to guess that right? I am so pissed off. Really! Knowing tt my character is largely engined by my straight-forwardness, i dare to question for enlightenment. YOU LIKE ME OR HATE ME FOR TT.. UR CHOICE!


1. I believe i maintain the right to ask/ clarify when i am in doubt. Don't tell me i need to ask permission about speaking to a fren regarding his life.

2. I've done it in the most appropriate way to get the answers to my doubts. I did not betray anyone about what was shared during the gathering. HE FORCED ME TO SAY BUT I DID NOT! Whatever that he found out about tt day is not said by me.. so if he trashed things out with u all mentioning stuff that was shared on tt day, go n find the real culprit. IT WASN'T ME!

3. If you are the ppl who spread things, be it true or not true, and u judge people by only standing in your own position, then congratulations to having such myopic thinking then. You will survive great in the realistic world! Of coz i understand that if i share something not so nice with others, i would hope things don't get out of hand. But well, you wanna say something, face the consequences! Don't go around blaming others when being confronted. And don't judge me just because i am the only brave soul who dared to ask the lead character for 'the truth'.

Well of coz.. through this incident i learnt as well. I still dont think the act of asking or clarifying is wrong. When in doubt, ask~ I dun wanna blindly believe in what u all say. Can't I have tt right to do tt? And also, i somehow realised what Z told me contain untrue stuff as well. Even by asking, i dun get true stuff. Let alone be some stupid idiot who just blindly listen and believe what you all say. Wadever it is, if you wanna outcast me based on what i think is MY HUMAN RIGHT, then fine, i shall treat it as i made wrong frens lo. Seriously, i dun want to mix with stupid idiots with myopic thinking too.

so F out of my life if you dunno how to respect people but only judge with you tiny puny CMI brain + selfish behaviour. Be MEN please, not BOYS!